Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pink Gorilla

for I have lived, mockingbird
Callus duress scathes me not
No, not today
for I have lived apart from,
Selfishly awry from,
I spit
at your polite society.
for I have lived, you damn bird
My dreams are kinder, kind of
In my old age
My days are pleasant, the
Sun softer, the nights colder- but what the hell
I am old.
For I have lived, you  aptly
christened crooner
The bee takes away
the sting
When you see me wet myself
The blight in my eye
takes away the exonerable shame
I cannot see you,
Pink gorilla
You Backchat sissy,
I see,
you light up
Like a 60 watt bulb
At my expense.
For I have lived, my brittle bone
Has pitied you. I will not strike
No, not today
With fists , my words are aptly named
Bare knuckles-
Your goofy face,
Just turned a new shade of purple!


Jossa said...

I love your poetry! I liked the ending lol


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