let us just be…
Let us just be…not what society makes us be, casts us as clay pots in the forms we forever be, constricted of creativity in the rigid earth-forms we be. Let us create a new life and live it outside the box, conservative no more, having overcome the outcast’s vertigo, so we stand firm on the God’s fair earth.
Let us just be, that which has no name, that which does not exist; no not yet, for to name it is to pull it down, is to deface it; to build walls around it and constrict the free swapping of ideas inside it that like clay cast into the kiln, it will shatter to pieces when over-tasked for change.
Let us just be…that which the heartbeat in my chest isn’t in the veins, that which the thoughts buzzing in my head isn’t in the tangible head, but is that which doesn’t exit. For to name it is to commit treason, and build walls around it and shackle it in the prison of limitation of the words we use to create language.
Let me be, for my words have run their course and my mind is screaming recess and my soul is heavy and my heart just flutters for I cannot govern myself. I will not govern myself, for that is to live in a box, something I will never subscribe to for as long as I walk God’s fair earth.
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